Explore OT Referral Form

Are you wanting to explore what Occupational Therapy could look like for you or someone you support? 

Our 'Explore OT' blocks are an opportunity to explore what OT could look like for you, as part of a shorter, targeted block of support. 

Each block consists of 6 hours of support including:

  • 5x 1 hour face to face sessions (in clinic, at home or via telehealth) with an occupational therapist

  • 1x 1 hour summary report 

Explore OT is the ideal service for you to:

  • Understand what OT is and what it could look like for you

  • Be supported to set OT goals for therapy or goals to support access to NDIS

  • Learn more about Autism and neurodiversity

  • Access take-home strategies and activities to support progress towards goals at home

  • Receive professional recommendations for future therapy, equipment and resources

To access a block of support, please fill out the below form.  If you would like any assistance with completing this form, please contact our Client Relationship Team on 8379 6976.

Referrer Information
Client Information
Booking Preferences

Upon receipt of the completed referral form, unless we need to discuss any of your responses with you first, our Client Relationship Team will develop a Service Agreement for you based on the answers you provide. These are blocks of 6 hours of occupational therapy support. The agreement will be sent for your approval, and once approved you will be ready to be offered a suitable vacancy when it arises. 

Please provide the below information to assist us in creating your agreement.


Location Preferences (select all that apply)

Day and Time Preferences (click 'add another preference' to add multiple days and times)

Please Note: Autism SA only provides weekly blocks of therapy support.

Occupational Therapy Support Type

Please only select up to 3 of the below support areas

Background Information

Please provide the following background information regarding the individual seeking to access Occupational Therapy services.

If recieving Occupational Therapy services currently, please provide details below:

Thank you for completing this referral form to support in the allocation of Occupational Therapy Services.